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The Social Media Trends for the Past Year

best times to post on social media

We are becoming more conscious of our carbon footprint as consumers. Brands are facing negative attitudes from Gen Z, the next generation. Eighty-nine percent of internet users say that brands should make an effort to reduce their carbon impact and adopt sustainability as a business practice. These skeptical but conscious consumers can spot corporate greenwashing quickly. Social media has seen recent incidents escalate quickly, creating a crisis communication environment for brands. The good news about social media is that it is easy to respond to and even prepare for.

Live video streaming

Live video streaming has been one of the most viewed social media trends in the past year. Over one billion hours worth of live video was viewed last year by internet users. Live streaming allows brands to engage with their audience and keeps them entertained. Eighty percent more viewers prefer live streaming over traditional video. Businesses need to embrace live streaming in order to take advantage of this trend. Here are a few tips for incorporating live streaming in your marketing strategy.

Video in short form

Why is short-form visual media so popular? Think about how repetitive it is. A five-minute video is more likely to be viewed multiple times by people than an 8-second video. Brands have a lot of options for short-form video. It can help you increase your online presence as well as scale your brand. The benefits of short-form videos are numerous.

Photo dumps

Instagram is taking photo dumps by storm. This recent Instagram trend is causing people to show more emotion by displaying the true essence of their content. Instead of uploading photos of products and/or services, users now share a photo - dump. This is a collage of randomly selected photos with captions. With the hashtag #photodump, influencers and brands can show behind-the curtain photos to enhance their content.

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Brand journalism

Although traditional marketing methods focus on highlighting key terms and subtly elevating the brand image, customers today are more open to brand journalism. With the rise in social media, brands can make use of these platforms to personalize and build relationships. Here are some benefits of brand journalism for businesses. Let's take a closer look. What is brand journalism and how can it help a company? What can brand journalism do to help companies?


Social media is seeing a rise in memes. They have increased in popularity significantly over the past months. Meme usage has increased 26% in one year. The peak was 28 million in March. This can be attributed in part to the recent lockdowns that made it difficult for internet users to access social media as entertainment. Thanks to their humor and prompt nature, memes can capture attention and quickly spread. Memes can also be very effective for businesses. They are highly memorable and can help brands form brand associations.

Social media is flooded with memes

When creating a marketing strategy, you should consider using memes to increase engagement on social media. Seamless used OscarNomNom videos to create viral content. Seamless created film posters featuring food in the titles. The Oscars were open to all users. Humor can help increase brand awareness and motivate your followers to share your content.

Instagram memes

Memes are a great tool to get the attention of your target market. To attract attention, brands are increasingly using Instagram memes. If you use social media, there is a good chance that you will come across at the very least one meme each day. You can caption pictures with memes that make fun of human behavior. Today, many brands are taking advantage of these trending social media posts to get their message out there. Social media is a popular medium for communication. The average person spends around two hours per day on it, so brands are taking advantage of the trend.

social media advocacy campaigns


Is content marketing effective?

Yes! Hubspot states that Content Marketing is now the number one digital marketing channel for lead generation.

What does content marketing have to offer that is different from traditional advertising.

Traditional advertising focuses primarily on attracting attention. Content Marketing focuses more on creating value. Traditional advertising is often a waste of money because most people ignore it. You'll get much better engagement rates with content marketing.

Is content marketing worth spending money on?

Content marketing is an essential part of any online business strategy. It is also a very effective way to increase brand exposure. Content marketing isn't just for customers. It makes your brand stand out from others.

Content marketing involves creating valuable content that people want. Successful companies use content marketing to engage their target audience.

What do I need to know about SEO in order to do Content Marketing? Yes!

SEO professionals understand how search engines such as Google rank pages. They can also help you choose the right keywords to optimize your page.

What is strategic content marketing?

Content marketing refers to the art of creating quality content that can be shared across all channels. It is all about giving people what you want. This understanding is key to the success of any company.

Strategic Content Marketing gives you the ability to provide exactly what your clients need at precisely the right time.

To understand people's interests and their thinking, you must first get to know them. Then you have to create high-quality content that answers their questions and solves their problems. This creates trust and loyalty that will ensure you are there when they need you.

How to Use Blogs to Generate Leads in Your Business

Leading B2B companies understand how crucial online leads are to their success. Many businesses fail to convert qualified traffic despite this fact. If you're wondering why this is happening, here are five possible reasons.

Reason 1: Your website is not optimized - Even if you have a blog, it's not making money! Blogging is a great way to attract new customers. But, your blog posts must solve the problems of your target audience. Otherwise, you won't be making any money.

Optimize your blog to ensure it is profitable. This will increase your chances of having visitors find your blog post.

After they find your blog article, make sure that you offer value by answering their queries and providing solutions as soon as possible.

Keyword Toolbox is an excellent tool to find keywords. Then, add those words to your page title, meta description, body text, and more.

You should also include calls to action (CTAs) throughout your blog. CTAs also encourage readers to take actions such as signing up or purchasing products.

These actions increase the chances of a sale. They also give you an insight into what information users are looking for.

Our guide, How To Start a Successful Blogger Blog, will help you get started.

Reason 2: You Don't Know What To Write About - Once You Begin Writing, You Will Find That The Ideas Come Quickly, But Then They Stop!

It takes time to establish a name for yourself and become an expert in your chosen field. You must write on topics that will interest your potential clients to be able to do this effectively.

Your goal when writing is to answer the question, "why should I hire you?" Keep your eyes on the problem when you write.

This will help you stand apart from other businesses that are just trying to sell products.

In addition to helping your prospects, your blog needs to be helpful to them. Your expertise can be used to educate others. For example, you could talk about the latest trends in your industry or share tips for saving money on home improvement projects.

Include links to resources where your viewers can learn more about these issues. These could include videos or articles by experts in your field.

Reason 3 is that you don't have clients.

You cannot build a profitable business overnight. It takes time to build trust with your target markets.

You don't necessarily have to spend hours crafting content if your goal is to meet potential clients. Instead, post ads on social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn.

To avoid wasting money on ineffective advertising, create ads based on the demographics of your ideal client. For instance, if you run a website design company, you probably have many female clients.

So, instead of targeting all men, you could target women by location, age group, income level, and more.

After creating your ad, you should follow-up by sending a message directly to your potential customers when you get a click through.

Don't forget that you don’t have to pay per person who visits the site. Accessible traffic sources can bring in more sales than paid.

A contest you could hold for new subscribers signing up via email would be one example. Or you could give away gifts to those who sign-up for your mailing address.

The key here is to find creative ways to attract visitors without spending too much money.

Reason 4: You Can't Afford To Advertise - You Are Too Busy Running Your Business To Spend Time Advertising It - But That Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't Do It!

Your work should always be prioritized over your business. For example, if you are too busy running your business to advertise it, then you won't be able to grow.

You might feel overwhelmed at the sheer amount of tasks you have daily.

You can start by getting organized. You can set aside an hour each week to review your work and plan what you should do during the rest.

You'll find it much easier to manage your other tasks when you start.


  • In fact, would pay more for a better customer experience, and 86% of B2B buyers would pay more. (neilpatel.com)
  • Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher growth rates than businesses not using it. (mailchimp.com)
  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers surveyed use content marketing in some form or other. (criteo.com)
  • Measure your goals with a progress indicator of 0-100%. Make your goals collaborative and transparent (semrush.com)
  • According to our research, 65% of companies with very successful content marketing in 2021 ran content audits at least twice a year. (semrush.com)
  • Content marketing produces 3X more leads per dollar spent. Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing. (criteo.com)
  • We found that 40% of businesses don't have a documented strategy yet. (semrush.com)
  • Progress indicators (0–100%) allow each team member to see how attainable each goal is and understand what remains to be accomplished. (semrush.com)

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Which are the most effective content marketing platforms?

Every industry is different, so there's no single platform that will work for everyone. But most industries have at the very least one tool they like to use. Hubspot, for example, has been shown to increase conversion rates by nearly 50%. This is why it is so popular among marketers.

However, not all tools will be the same. Some tools offer better analytics tracking while others make it easier to collaborate between teams. Others offer A/B testing features that can help improve your content marketing ROI.

Before you decide on a platform, think about the following: What are their pros and cons? Will it meet my needs now? And what about in 2 years?

Here are the top 5 content marketing platforms according to Entrepreneur Magazine.

Marketo Content Studio #1 Content Marketing Platform

Marketo is an enterprise social media management software provider. It offers a wide range of products, including CRM software and social publishing tools.

They also offer a content studio that gives businesses access to a library of pre-made templates and graphics that can be modified into customized designs.

This means that you don’t need to spend hours writing content or designing graphics. Instead, focus on creating content that is relevant to your audience.

Marketo makes adding images and videos to blog posts easy. This makes them more visually appealing and improves engagement with readers.

Marketo won't allow you to edit your image or video files.

Content Marketing Platform#2: Trello

Trello is similar with Kanban boards in project administration. Both provide lists of tasks which can be assigned to users and monitored for progress.

Trello allows for you to create boards for each team member, and assign them specific responsibilities. Trello also allows for easy information sharing between employees.

Trello does not need special software to function, but Kanban boards do. So you can use it on virtually any device.

Trello allows you to invite others to collaborate on projects, without sharing sensitive data.

You can also create a private board to share only the essential information to the people who are required to complete a task.

Google Suite - Content Marketing Platform 3

Google has a wide range of products designed specifically for business owners. Google Docs, Sheets and Slides are all part of the company's G Suite.

It's important to note that these applications aren't free. Each user will be charged separately. Many plans start at $5 per user if you want to use them for multiple purposes.

You would need two licenses if you wanted to create a document or embed a link from another site.

If you are only looking to create one document, however, you can get it for free.

Google tools have the advantage of being compatible with Gmail and other applications. Google tools allow you to easily email documents and save data in Google Drive.

Hubspot 4 Content Marketing Platform

HubSpot is a highly popular web-based marketing tool that offers plenty of functionality.

The platform allows users to manage all aspects of their website, landing pages, blogs and other websites. They can, for example, create automated emails to track conversions.

HubSpot is also integrated with Salesforce and WordPress, meaning you can connect all three platforms.

One of the most valuable features of HubSpot is that it integrates with over 200 different third-party apps. This allows you automate tasks and generate reports using real-time data.

While you won't be able to publish content directly from HubSpot, you can export it into many formats, including HTML, PDF, and Word.

HubSpot has a free version that allows you to test pricing. HubSpot offers a free trial version. However, you can upgrade to a paid account to gain unlimited access.

HubSpot can help you find a blog platform, eCommerce solution or any other tool.



The Social Media Trends for the Past Year